
Our primary purpose is to follow and address the pending development of the undeveloped 18.8 acre parcel adjacent to FM1044 and Loma Verde Drive within the City of New Braunfels, Texas

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Planning Commission Meeting - Project Withdrawn

Thanks everyone for the large turnout at the Planning Commission meeting tonight. After Tim Marroquin, project sponsor made his brief presentation, several local property owner's from both Loma Verde and Mockingbird Heights subdivisions made our case before the planning commissioners. Even before all homeowner's were able to speak - Tim Marroquin withdrew the project from consideration from the board tonight.

As a side note, we must stay informed and united in keeping abreast of this issue. Jay Patrick, a resident of Mockingbird Heights will be a co-contributor to this blog in matters concerning this issue in the future.

It would be nice to keep this blog active as a community message board concerning issues that might arise or even as a way we might make our subdivision(s) safer for all.

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited to have seen our neighbors in both the Loma Verde subdivision as well as the Mockingbird Hights subdivision stand up for our selves and what is right for both of our neighborhoods. God blessed us in our messages and we won this battle. The war is still on so lets not forget this may come up again and we need to be ready to keep the pressure on the city council, the buyer and the seller of the 18.8 acre property. Thank you all for coming.
